The (Fedimap) is a map of the fedierse users. Everyone can mark or unmark themselves.
Send !in coordinateX,coordinateY to
Send !out, to delete yourself from the map.
Important! Send as DM/PRIVATE MESSAGE ("visible only for named profiles").
Example: !in 52.51226418,13.35205793
(in this example you've been placed to Tiergarten, Berlin (Germany).
You can get the coordinates of your choice by clicking on the map.
Since privacy is a top priority, I am obliged to inform you that this map relies on external map tiles. I have chosen as the provider, which is particularly privacy-friendly. OpenStreetMap is an open-source mapping tool. To display the map, your device will establish a connection with; in the process, your IP address, among other things, will be transmitted to OpenStreetMap. You can find out what data OpenStreetMap processes in their Privacy Policy. In this context, OpenStreetMap is the data controller as defined by Article 4, No. 7 of the GDPR.
Without these tiles, the map cannot be displayed properly.
Your decision to load the map will be saved in your browser's local cache (not a cookie). On your next visit, the map will load immediately. If you'd like to revisit this entire notice, click "Back to Homepage" on the loaded map. This will clear the local cache, and you will need to confirm the privacy notice again.
I accept the privacy policy of OpenStreetMap and would like to load the map.
If you'd like to know more:
The server is located in Germany. The host is I don’t store any personal data about you. All files (except for the map tiles) are loaded locally from the server.
Adding yourself to the map is done through a custom bot in the Fediverse. Simply send !in 53.622633,10.067732 as a direct/private message to the account This number combination represents a coordinate. You can get the coordinates of your desired location by clicking on the map you’re about to load. The coordinates always consist of two values: x, y. Copy the text and use it with the bot. Important! You must not use your exact home address or any location that could be directly linked to you. I assume you’ll choose a neutral location near you: a park, a cemetery, an event venue, a monument, a zoo, or something similar. Since these coordinates are not linked to your person, and I assume you’re randomly selecting your address, I do not store any personal data.
What data is stored if you voluntarily add yourself using the bot: Your handle (for example, and the coordinates you entered. That’s all I store.
No problem. Just send !out as a direct/private message to, and you’ll be automatically removed.
That’s easy. First, send !out as a direct/private message to the account, and then follow the instructions under “I want to add myself to the map” to add your new location.
In contrast to other websites, I am not interested in your personal data. I don't log IPs and I don't see what you do on the map. I do not keep any log files of the website. [The next section does not apply to normal users] However, if you are a hacker and deliberately try to log into my server as an admin via SSH, I will log you and report you to the police. Because even attempting to hack is a criminal offense. I also log every form of pentesting, brute force, DDOS and other types of attacks. Have you ever had your home searched by the police?
I, the person writing this, run this website as a hobby project. You can find me in the Fediverse at For legal reasons, I also need to include my address here. Responsible for this website and the bot account is Stefan Schmitt, Hohenmoorstr. 37, 26135 Oldenburg, GERMANY. I’d actually love fan mail in the form of postcards from your city. You can also reach me by email at